Coding Rules
Always try to keep your functions below 20 lines of code.
All ways try to make as many functions static and/or private as possible.
Any state must be represented by an enum definition with a descriptive name.
If you make code which are general and you think others could reuse, put it in a separate project (dll), which you can open source.
If you make code that other projects in your organization can reuse, put it in a separate project (dll), which you can share with others.
Never write SQL or java script unless it makes your application faster or more user friendly or both.
Try to only have one line under an if or else statement. If you have many lines, change them to a function call.
If you have a function call with more than input 2 parameters, think about how you can change it to a new class with properties and one or more simple methods.
If you have an if statement with more than two boolean expressions, then change it into a function call.
You should only ever use switch case operators on enum state variables, and try to use return instead of break.